Sunday, September 30, 2012

He's Her Boogie Man

A couple favorite film scenes with a Halloween twist to get you into the dancing mood.

Love At First Bite
A world-weary Count Dracula travels to modern-day New York City (1979) in search of a bride, and falls for fashion model Cindy Sondheim whom he believes to be the current reincarnation of his true love, Mina Harker. In this scene, a disco dancing Dracula attempts to woo the street smart Cindy to the tune of "I Love the Night Life" by Alicia Bridges. 

In the last scene, Dracula and Cindy are transformed into bats and fly off into the moonlight headed for Jamaica (and I don't mean Queens).

Pulp Fiction
Crime-boss wife, Mia Wallace, goes on a twisting date with lovable hitman Vincent Vega.
Mia and Vincent arrive at the retro rock 'n roll diner Jack Rabbit Slims staffed by lookalikes of 1950s pop icons. They have stumbled upon Jack Rabbits' famous twist contest. Mia wants to twist, and she wants to win. Vincent is the perfect partner, and Chuck Berry's "You Never Can Tell" the perfect twisting tune.

Both of these tracks are on the "Til Death Do Us Party" playlist. So be ready to boogie and twist into the night! We're not sure what song will be the Wicked Couple's first dance, but you can be sure it won't be their last.

Do As the Romans "I Do"

Fresco of an Ancient Roman Wedding Night.
Casa della Farnesina in Rome. Ca. 19 BC. Museo Nazionale Romano.
The Western bridal party tradition is thought to have originated from Roman Law.  Ancient Romans believed that jealous demons where out to get the married couple.  The Law required ten witnesses at a wedding. These witnesses would act as protection by dressing identical to the wedded couple so that the demons couldn't tell who was getting married.

Even as late as 19th century England, there was a belief that ill-wishers could administer curses and taint the wedding. In Victorian wedding photographs, for example, the bride and groom are frequently dressed in the same fashion as other members of the bridal party.

For more found images go to Flickr: Early Photography Wedding Portraits
Have you ever been a member of a wedding party? Did you save that dress or waistcoat and tie combo with the thought of wearing it again someday? Is it shoved deep in the back of your closet or in a trunk in the basement or attic? Well bust it out! This is your opportunity to wear it again.


Come dressed as a Bridesmaid or Groomsman and be a part of the Anniversary Party! Pat and Don have selected Pumpkin and Eggplant (or, orange and purple) as their Anniversary colors. The colors of Autumn, the harvest, the reaping, the moon and the sky.

October 27th is just around the corner. Don't forget to RSVP! We look forward to hearing from you.

October 27, 1962

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Touch of Class

The couple looking très distinguĂ© in 1968.

Mrow! & Woof!

Remembering this great scene from "Breakfast at Tiffany's". Outside the 5 & 10, Holly dares Paul to steal something. The window display is chock full of Halloween decorations. After a couple minutes browsing and trying on masks, they make a cool getaway. Whoever said cats and dogs were sworn enemies?

Here are a few masks I picked up recently for a steal!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Regrets in Verse

To Pat and Don-a howling success:                                

If 50 years of Don’s ghoulish kiss
Leads to 50 years of marital bliss
Then 50 years of Pat’s witch’s brew
Is certainly the golden potion, it’s true!     

The fountain of rejuvenating spirits
Has been undiscovered until this day
But here it is uncovered,
In the sorcery of love, blended the Millers’ Way.

Sorry we can’t be with you
And moonhowl at your Mooresville home
For we’ll just be returning
From de-boning in the catacombs of Rome.

You two share a great love. Many, many more celebrations together, we wish for you and your family.


Nancy and Larry Bluth

Friday, September 21, 2012

Don't Wig Out!

Don't let this whole costume thing stress you out.

A simple and fun costume idea is as close as your local wig shop.

Or you might be lucky enough to possess a few fashion forward family heirlooms like we have.

You may not know this, but our mother graduated from beauty school back in the early 60s. Growing up, we not only had wigs, but falls (a fancy word for hair pieces), bags and bags of rollers, and a fabulous old dryer chair. In the winter I would just sit under the dryer to get warm, sometimes flipping over in the chair to take the chill off my feet. That chair was my favorite piece of furniture in the whole house.

Our mom really rocked those wigs. Looking back, I'm not sure if she was channeling Marie Antoinette or emulating Priscilla Presley. All I know is I wanted to be just like her when I grew up.

Mom- it was the 70s.
Me, the wig, and cousin Paul

This particular wig was worn by all three of us girls for Halloween costumes year after year. It was braided for Pocahontas, teased and tamed into a Bride of Frankenstein beehive, then twisted, rolled and pinned for Princess Leia.

And that wig goes on and on. Resurrected every year, it gets a thorough raking as part of mom's wickedest witch costume. I wonder if it will make an appearance this year?


And the moral of this story is: Hair today, Goon tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cowboy, Soldier Boy, Bad Boy


Love Is Blind; War is Hell

Masks are found in some form in every culture across the world and throughout time. In ritual, performance, war and sport, masks immediately transform and transfix us.

Identity was a central theme for Shakespeare. In comedy and tragedy, masks came in two forms: the transparent mask, or persona, and the physical mask. Hamlet's mask was his madness, disguising his true and vengeful self. A masquerade ball is the premise for the wooing and the winning of love for Benedict and Beatrice, Claudio and Hero, and of course, Romeo and Juliet.
Alleged Death Mask of William Shakespeare discovered 1842
During the taking of the Bastille (1789), it was reported that a skeleton was found, still chained to the wall, and with an iron mask next to him. Just who was the mysterious prisoner in the iron mask? An illegitimate half-brother of King Louis XIV? Or the King's twin? An heir to the English crown? Or a nobleman's valet imprisoned to prevent the spread of scandalous tales?
"The Man in the Iron Mask"
A dashing masked outlaw defending the people of the land against tyrannical officials and other villains. Who was that masked man? Zorro? The Scarlet Pimpernel? Spring Heeled Jack? The Black Eagle? Or The Dread Pirate Roberts? Just remember, people in masks cannot be trusted.
Rudolph Valentino in "The Eagle"
The masks worn by the seventeenth century Plague Doctors were truly sinister costumes with their wide brim hats, heavy cloaks, and long beak masks. Designed as protection from the putrid air thought at the time to carry the disease, the beaks were filled with fragrant plants such as lavender. The costume provided little protection though and plague doctors had relatively short careers. Modern theory links spreading of the disease partly on infected fleas traveling in the long cloaks worn by the practitioners. They were truly harbingers of death. 
Plague Doctor
Armor, whether in war or sport, incorporates the mask as a means of protection, intimidation, and dehumanization. I don't know about you, but for me there is nothing more frightening than a hockey mask! Is it Friday the 13th yet?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tragic Couples of History

In honor of the wicked couple, you may want to dress as one of the more famous couples from history.  Here are a few examples of extreme marital and extramarital pairs from history.

Romeo & Juliet
The young lovers from William Shakespeare's tragic play have become synonymous with love, but before you decide to don those tights and tunic, remember that they are not exactly the poster couple for long term relationships- Here's a shot from their first anniversary

Bonnie & Clyde

A Man who loves fast cars and the woman who loves him- oh, and Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow.  It is said that when they met, it was love at first sight.  Young rebellious, and in love, they stole the heart of a Nation - and everything else they could carry. Robbery, Kidnapping, Murder;during their 2 year crime spree, they were believed to have committed 13 murders and several robberies and burglaries.  Before dawn on May 23, 1934, a posse concealed themselves in bushes along the highway near Sailes, Louisiana. In the early daylight, Bonnie and Clyde appeared in an automobile and when they attempted to drive away, the officers opened fire.  Bonnie and Clyde were never married (to each other) but only death could part them.

Sid Viscous & Nancy Spungen

 Before Kurt and Courtney, there was Sid and Nancy- sex, drugs and Rock and Roll ruled their short lives, and while they lived hard and died young, neither looked good in the casket.  Sid died from a heroin overdose four months after being accused of stabbing Nancy to death in their New York apartment. 


Thursday, September 6, 2012

What Time Is It?
It's time to start thinking about your costume!

Whether you choose to be a Witch or a Warlock, a Goblin or a Ghost, a Vampire or a Slayer, a Superhero or a Super Villain, a little bit of planning will go a long way. And it may even pay off in the form of a prize for "Most Original", "Scariest", or "Second Best Couple" costume (we all know who'll win "Best Couple"!!).

Remember, the party will be held outside. Even though it's North Carolina, the evenings can be cool in late October. So, Tarzan and Jane may want to pack the thermal loincloths.

We're counting on your participation to make this an Anniversary Party that will haunt us all for years to come!

A stitch in time saves nine.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to our Blog!

The Wicked Couple

You've come to the right place! 
As the party day approaches, check back with us often for more stories, pictures and costume ideas. 
And don't forget, we'd love to hear from you too!